"I bless the publication of the famous Muscovite iconographer Anna Kalinina's book, and express my gratitude for her long years of hard work towards the revival of the beauty of many cathedrals and churches in Russia, as well as the United States of America"
The Patriach of Moscow and all Russia ALEXY II
† 05.12.2008
"The works of icon-painter Anna Kalinina are a striking example of the development of the Moscow icon-painting school, recognized in many countries as the standard of iconography"
Mayor of Moscow YURY LUZHKOV
"Anna Kalinina is a magnificent artist, who masterfully conveys in her works the beauty and power of the Orthodox icon, the depth of the mystery of faith, the harmony in the soul, the magnitude of humility and simplicity"
Metropolitan SERGEI of Voronezh & Borisoglebsk
"Anna Kalinina is both a thoroughly good person and an exceptionally talented and industrious one. Anna Kalinina is a superb icon-painter. Her icons reflect a rare mastery of this ancient art. The refinement of her style and the depth of her spirituality are immediately apparent in her work"
PAUL KLEBNIKOV, Forbes Senior Editor (Moscow)
† 09.07.2004
"The heart fills with joy, when life gives you a chance to meet a well-educated,energetic and talented person. And if this person is also a beautiful, clever and kind woman, then your joy is doubled. Icons, painted by Anna, are very good — they are beautiful in color and perfect in artistic form"
Professor MAXIMOV, People's Artist of Russia, Academician of Russian Academy of Arts
"Being in the flight of her tremendous creative gift, this talented icon-painter at the same time exercises î the full extent her sacred right of meeting he requirements set by the customers…"
Bishop MERCURIUS of Zaraysk, Administrator of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarchal Parishes in the USA